support a waste worker
and donate one Health Check!
what will be checked?
Blood Pressure
Blood Sugar
Nutritional assessement
All systems check
Benefits of Health Checks
Health Check will be providing critical services for waste workers who typically work in high-risk environments and have very limited access to health care. Our Partner will provide treatment, as well as individual counselling and health education on preventing common conditions.
A comprehensive check will help identify conditions such as Asthma, high/low Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Aenemia etc. that require constant monitoring. Timely identification is key to reducing health and financial risks.
The setup
Professional set up with all
necessary equipment to provide health services held during 1 day at one of Mr. Green Africa's Trading Points.
Organization of necessary permits & licenses from Ministry of Health and local counties to conduct the health check.
Highly trained and qualified clinical staff.
After the health day, Mr. Green will receive an overview of conditions treated, medication & laboratory tests provided, and details of customer feedback about services provided.

The partner
Access Afya is a social enterprise based
in Nairobi providing health care
services through its chain of low-cost,
high-quality clinics, and its field care